So here is the latest news from the Paytoe Gbayee family. Gee received his work visa and filled out what seemed like hundreds of applications. We had been praying God would give Gee the perfect job, and He never ceases to amaze us. Gee was hired at Attention Homes, a residential facility for troubled youth. He started working the week before Thanksgiving, and works weekends there now. Meanwhile he had an application in at the Boys and Girls Club that we had given up on for the most part. Just over two weeks ago he went in to see if they had filled the position and they hired him to work during the week as a Program Assistant Director. So he is now busy working every day of the week.
Just after Gee found out he was going to be working at the Boys and Girls Club we found out we are expecting. Right now I am about 6 1/2 weeks along, and looking forward to our family growing in August. I will be trying to be better about updating this blog as we embark on this journey.
We hope that as we move forward into this next year God would continue to hold us in His hands. Happy Holidays!