Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Begining of the Middle

This is the blog for Gee and Abi. We wanted a place to share our journey. We have already come a long way to get to this point (hence the beginning of the middle).

In May of 2003 we met in Sierra Leone. It was the closest thing I have ever experienced to love at first sight. After a mere 6 days we were engaged. After a long and strange set of circumstances (which I may go into at a later date) we are finally about to get married!

I have to come right out and say it is only by God's grace we are getting married at all. I admit that I have been struggling to make this happen for the last 5 years on my own. Struggling is the word I am using because it seemed like the harder I tried to get to Africa or get Gee to the US the more everything would fall apart. Finally I gave up and decided if we were ever going to get married it wasn't going to be of my accord. Low and behold God started providing left and right, never enough for me to feel confident, but just enough to need to trust Him every step of the way. There are still a few things that He will have to coordinate since I am unable to control everything (even though I still try hard to do so). Truly it is only by God's grace we are able to move forward in our relationship at all.

I am not the one to tell you how many days we have left before we get married (math is so not my thing), but I know Gee is counting for both of us. I will be flying out to Sierra Leone on December 14th. I will arrive there on the 16th, followed by my dad on the 17th (that is what we get for scheduling flights separately). Then we will be getting married on the 18th!!!

But before all that Gee and I are still really busy. Gee graduates on December 5th; and he has the pleasure of planning our wedding and our reception since he is there and I am not. I am trying to get caught up on 6-ish commissions, make sub plans for a week's worth of classes, and get everything else pulled together before leaving.

Welcome again to our blog! We hope to share pictures and video of our wedding here, but more than that we hope to share our world.


  1. I'm so happy for you hon! You'll be a beautiful bride and all my best wishes and prayers for your happiness and for the many years to some for you and Gee! *Jiggy* LOL

  2. Yay! Go Abi & Gee! And please, take lots of pictures. We want to see! Best wishes for a wonderful future together!
