Monday, December 1, 2008

When did December Happen?

Is it seriously December? I have this huge OMG feeling of excitement and a little stress and just general craziness.

There is so much to do and get done; I must admit my list looks very different from Gee's list. My list includes getting 7 days of sub plans written, finishing 4 commissions, cleaning my classroom for my bridal shower, packing, repacking, altering my dress, and a whole host of other little misc items that need to be figured out. Gee's list includes getting the suit jackets finished by the tailor, checking into our marriage license, planning our reception, graduating from college (he walks on the 6th), getting a bed (long story), painting, shopping and many other things I am sure I have left out. Who knew such a simple Justice of the Peace wedding needed so much planning. I am so glad we are doing it this way; as much as I would love to have all my friends and family there, I knew if we had a wedding in the US it would have been huge. I would much rather have a reception when we are both in the US when it is not all the pressure of getting married, but rather a big celebration.

The stress of finishing everything is growing, but I know it will all work out in the end. It always does. 13 more days until I leave, I guess I should get back to finishing some things on my list...

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