Monday, December 29, 2008

Married ... finally

So I know we had planned on getting married on December 18th, but because of the justice of the peace registry schedule we ended up with a date for December 19th. My dad supposed to fly in on Dec. 17th, the day behind me but due to weather delays in Chicago he missed his connecting flight in London. He was put on a flight which was re-scheduled 2 days later to get into Freetown on the 19th at 7pm, 6 hours after we would have been married. So my dad called on the 18th at 8 or 9 at night and asked if there was any way we could reschedule the wedding. As it happens we were able to reschedule for the 23rd, praise God. So we did finally get married almost a week late, but it did happen and we have so many pictures to prove it. I will try and post some later this week or when I get home on Jan. 6th.

Finding time to post here with finishing wedding plans, arranging transport and paying for internet has limited what I had hoped to do on this blog, but fear not, I will make up for it eventually. For now it is enough that we survived the ceremony, reception and I am now Mrs. Gee Paytoe Gbayee...

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